Quick start guide for solution providers


This quide assumes that you are looking for a task to solve. You are led through the process of searching for open tasks, checking out tasks, possibly receiving payment, rating trade partners, and more. The instructions are according to the specification of the URN X-trade, version a.0.1.

The examples are associated with the following sample process:

  1. Alice specifies a task for whose accomplishment she's willing to pay for.
  2. Lisa adds additional financial support.
  3. Bob starts working on a solution.
  4. Bob submits the finished solution.
  5. Alice and Lisa pay Bob.
  6. Alice rates Bob, Lisa rates Bob, and Bob rates Alice and Lisa.

Unless noted otherwise, this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Last modification on 2006-Jun-25 at 15:13. Author: feklee